(2) Danny Allison - knitting stall_2.JPG

 T H E  I N T E R N  E X P E R I E N C E:  

K N I T  W I T H  M E  A T  V I N T A G E  B Y  T H E  S E A 

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Emily Birkett

As promised, I return to the Journal with a post about my Internship, this time dedicated to Vintage by the Sea. The festival sprung upon us taking place just one week after Burnley Canal Festival and everyone seemed to be here, there and everywhere.

Between working in the office and the  festival site, I was invited to talk on BBC Radio Lancashire with Presenter’s Sally and Brett as they took over The Midland Hotel lobby for a week of live broadcasting. It sounds scary but when on air, it was absolutely fine and I briefly spoke about my Internship and mentioning my knitting workshop in the Little Big Top – Knit With Me at Vintage by the Sea. Yes, you read that correctly. It was an amazing opportunity for my practice as an artist to bring my degree show knit group to a larger audience, spreading knowledge about sustainability.